Friday, July 27, 2007

Trip to the country

A neighbour invited me to go to Stonewall for lunch today, a small town about an hour out of Winnipeg. Beautiful sunny day, not as hot as it has been, we could even eat lunch on the terrace. The attraction for me was that there was supposed to be quilt store there, for her it was a craft and gift store and a scrap booking store. So we had a nice lunch, in an old house with a tea room, nice tea cups everywhere. I wasn't impressed with the gift store, but then that's not really my thing anyway. The scrap book place was so crammed full of stuff, it wasn't fun to shop so we left there and walked to guessed it....the quilt shop. Wow, with all the quilt shops I have seen, this one is by far the nicest, lots of inventory and really well displayed, and so much variety. I had to buy something just because it was such a wonderful store, so I bought a cutter blade, and a few fat quarters for gifts. I also picked up a brochure for a 3 day retreat in Sept. in a monestery in another small town not far from Winnipeg. I am really interested in going to that to finally meet some other quilters from this area. Andy doesn't object so it might happen if I get myself in gear and decide.
We got back from Stonewall just in time for me to change my clothes and leave again with Andy, pick up Andra and drive into town to meet Curt for supper. The boys went to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers football game, while Andra and I went clothes shopping and then home.
So now I am home and Andy is still at the game.
Not quite as exciting as your monsoon weather, but a good day anyway.

Got It!!!!

Well, I finally got it. It seems I have 2 blog acccounts, one of them being a google account with nothing on it. It's likely because I typed by Gmail account somewhere when it should have been the shaw account. So, Michael, you and I were looking at 2 different things last night, and that's why we didn't see the same thing. Now I know how to get into the correct one. The next question is how to get rid of the other one. (It was also the one I was making profile changes to, that you couldn't see).
I am off to a lunch date today, with a neighbour. Some country craft (maybe quilting) store and restaurant in a small town about an hour away. If I get back in time, Andra's family and Andy and I will go out for supper before the "guys" go to the football game. Otherwise they will have to go without me. My life is so tough!!! Gotta get ready to go.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Just checking

I tried to change the name I typed to sign my blog. Let's see if it worked.

First timer

I have no idea how I did this but here I am. This is mostly to keep Michael and Joan up to date with our lives here.
Today it is still hot and humid, after a tremendous thunder storm last night that brought hail and downed trees in other parts of the city. We only got rain - lots of it - but were spared all the rest of the mess.
Life is good - no pressure. I am working on Michael's quilt, hope to get it done before we leave in Aug. ready to send to Barb for quilting.